lundi 12 décembre 2011

PL SQL : Cursor and imbricated table

The aim of this code is to get some values, including the name of table from all_tables of an Oracle Database,  and using this table_name in an instruction select ... from table_name.
First, I thought at 2 imbricated cursors but it is impossible to declare the second cursor :

cursor cur1 is select table_name, column_name from all_tables where conditions;
v_cur1 cur1%rowtype;
cursor cur2 is select * from v_cur1.table_name;
return a compilation error :  v_cur1.table_name : non-existing table or view.

There is one possible solution  :


    cursor cur_tables is
    select table_name
    from all_tables;

    vr_cur_tables       cur_tables%rowtype;
    req_index           varchar2(400);
    nb_key_index        number;

    --create a record type object
    type keyIndex is record (index_name varchar2(20), index_value varchar2(20));
    --create a table type object composed of an index and a column of keyIndex, record type object
    type tKeyIndex is table of keyindex;
    tableKeyIndex tKeyIndex;
    i               number;
    req_nb_key varchar2(400);
    for vr_cur_tables in cur_tables loop
        -- select the data of the current table
        req_index := 'select * from ' || vr_cur_tables.table_name;
        -- set the data into a table
        execute immediate req_index bulk collect into tableKeyIndex;
        req_nb_key :='select count(*) from ' || vr_cur_tables.table_name;
        execute immediate req_nb_key into nb_key_index;
        --For each tupple of the select, display the column nomindex value of the current table
        for i in 1..nb_key_index loop
        end loop;
    end loop;

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